NET TALK.COM, INC. began operations in September of 2008 and officially launched services on July 17, 2009. In 11 months, the team at netTALK: -Raised venture capital in the height of the financial crisis (Sept. 08) -Took product from concept to production -Applied for patents -Took the company public (NTLK) -Was granted CLEC status in over 25 states -Implemented communications platform at main datacenter -Rolled out POP locations (expansion ongoing) -Developed media -Broadcasting national media campaign (print, TV, web) -Set up nationwide product distribution including customer and technical services And this is only the beginning...
Our flagship product the TK6000 connects you to the largest digital phone network in the world, the Internet, where you can make a lifetime of unlimited phone calls within the USA and Canada. Enjoy free TK6000 to TK6000 calling anywhere in the world. Also, enjoy ultra low international calling!