myDetoxHealth is a comprehensive family chiropractic clinic in Milton, FL, led by Dr. Angela Taylor. With expertise in chiropractic care for all ages, including pediatric and pregnancy chiropractic, as well as sports chiropractic, Dr. Taylor is dedicated to helping individuals achieve optimal well-being. Specializing in detoxification and nutrition, she offers personalized detox programs, weight loss guidance, and sports nutrition advice, empowering her patients to find balance and improve their overall health.
At myDetoxHealth, Dr. Taylor combines chiropractic adjustments, dietary improvements, and targeted supplementation to help individuals feel their best. Whether it's recovering from an injury, managing chronic stress or disease, or enhancing athletic performance, Dr. Taylor's expertise in chiropractic, detoxification, and nutrition ensures that each patient receives the right combination of treatments and guidance to achieve their health goals.
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