Appraisers, except real estate, Legislative bodies, national, Highway signs and guardrails
Lake County Property Appraiser
Lake County Property Appraiser web site is offered to you, the user ( "User" ), conditioned on acceptance of the terms, conditions, and notices contained herein, without modification. User access and use of this site constitutes acceptance of these terms and conditions. If you do not wish to consent to the terms, conditions and notice contained herein exit this system now.The website is a Lake County Property Appraiser system, provided as a public service. Government personnel and the general public may use this system to review and retrieve publicly available government information. User agrees to use this web site as permitted by applicable local, state, and federal laws. User agrees, therefore, not to: 1 ) knowingly and without authorization, alter, damage, or destroy Lake County Property Appraiser's or another user's computer system, network, software, program, documentation or data contained therein ; 2 ) use this service to conduct or attempt to conduct any business or activity or solicit the performance of any activity that is prohibited by law. In addition, taking action which results in blocking access to this website by other users will be deemed an unauthorized use.Anyone using this system expressly consents to administrative monitoring at all times. You ( User ) are further advised that system administrators may provide evidence of possible criminal activity identified during such monitoring to appropriate law enforcement officials. If you ( User ) do not wish to consent to monitoring exit this system now.It is the policy of the State of Florida that all state records are open for public inspection. This policy is embodied in the Florida Constitution, together with the right of an individual to be free from unauthorized governmental intrusion into their private life, as provided in Article 1, Section 23. In recognition of these policies, Lake County Property Appraiser has established this Internet Privacy Policy. When you use our Site, you are acknowledging that personal information you provide is subject to Florida's Public Records Policy as stated in Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, and Article I, Section 24 of the state Constitution.You do not have to give us personal information to visit our Web Site, download our publications, use our e-mail communications, or any other feature. We collect no personal information about you when you visit or, unless you choose to provide this information to us. We will use the information that you voluntarily provide to us to notify you of selected content changes or new publications. We may also use it to conduct statistical analyses of user activities in order to measure user interest in the information we provide and how we provide it. However, we do collect and store some non-personal information automatically.To the extent that this web site contains, or may in the future contain, options to use your credit card, debit card, or on-line checks to do business on the Official Site of Lake County Property Appraiser, Florida, we protect the integrity and privacy of your account information with advanced technologies. However, even with advanced technologies, it is not always possible to prevent unauthorized access or unauthorized disclosure. The County makes no representation and assumes no responsibility or liability concerning the accuracy of the information or for any loss which might result to the user by the use of this Web Site. Please be aware that in the event unauthorized access, unauthorized disclosure, third party intervention, or any loss occurs due to error, omission, or inaccurate information being displayed on this Web Site, Lake County Property Appraiser reserves the right to recover any unpaid fees and taxes.