Mario Sperry Jiu Jitsu, located in Miami, FL, is a renowned martial arts academy founded by Sensei Mario Sperry, a 6th degree Jiu Jitsu black belt with over 45 years of experience. With a rich history of producing world-class champions and a strong emphasis on self-defense, discipline, and focus, the academy offers programs for adults, kids, juniors, and kickboxing enthusiasts.
Under the leadership of Sensei Mario Sperry and his team of dedicated coaches, including Kids Program coaches Kia and Tiago, Mario Sperry Jiu Jitsu is committed to providing top-notch training and fostering a supportive environment for students of all levels. With a legacy rooted in excellence and a global presence, the academy continues to uphold its reputation as a leading institution in the world of Jiu Jitsu and MMA.
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