Kustom Print & Design was originated over 25 years ago. John Feliciano has been in the printing industry since he was just 17 years old. His commitment is to deliver the highest quality products to his customers for an affordable price.
Kustom Print & Design will earn your trust and loyalty by taking the right steps ensure you are beyond satisfied each & every time you work with us ! Our goal is to deliver the highest quality products and go above and beyond all expectations for a reasonable price A testimonials from one of our valued customers We have worked with John and Kustom Print and Design for more than seven years. I'm grateful for the opportunity to work with a team of professionals who consistently deliver quality products with a sense of appreciation for impending deadlines. The entire staff provide exemplary service with a willingness to work within the confines of a limited budget. We look forward to continuing our partnership with Kustom Print and Design- Thank you for always making us look great! Marcy Hoffman, Director of Institutional Advancement South Florida Science Center