Created by Eleni Sokos and Jason Simpson in 2021, Kefi Streetside Cafe is a unique concept to enter downtown Bradenton. Born and raised in Bradenton, Eleni grew up spending summers with family in Greece, where she fell in love with the culture that defines her heritage. As a hospitality marketing professional Eleni finds inspiration in its history, architecture, colors, music, and flavors. Now, she introduces those flavors to her home in Florida. Jason has spent the last decade working in the Sarasota-Manatee region's hospitality industry, working with restaurants and bars to develop successful beverage programs. He has spent hands-on time in high-volume restaurant kitchens, roles which made him realize that above all else, a high-quality product paired with excellent service will always reign supreme. Blending innate entrepreneurial spirit with a passion to create something together that celebrates food and experience, the concept for Kefi Streetside Cafe emerged. #FindYourKefi