People have given up the idea not just that they can feel better but that they can feel GREAT! BG Mancini uses the different techniques listed below to unwind the Meridians, (the pathways that connect the different functions of the body.) Often, due to blockages or deficiencies, the meridians may be holding the body in an unnatural pattern creating symptoms and discomfort. Once this is corrected symptoms begin to dissipate and function begins to return. We use many techniques to treat issues such as fatigue, digestive disorders & weight gain, lack of vitality, decreased libido, pain & Children's Wellness. ~Acupuncture ~Tuning forks- These are used as a combination of Acupuncture and Sound Therapy for those who prefer or for medical reasons can't be treated with needles. ~Nutrition Response Testing ~Gut Rehabilitation ~Dietary Consultation ~Allergy Elimination ~Children's Health & Wellness Remember! The body is always working to return to health, we help the body help itself.