For Expert Insights It's my job and passion to know the world's greatest destinations inside and out. My expertise and resources give you an insider's view when planning your next vacation. To Save You Time My extensive knowledge of cruise lines, resorts, airlines and tour operators means I can cut through the clutter and zero in on the vacation you really want. To Save You Money I have access to discounted, limited-time offers and exclusive benefits you cannot obtain on your own. To Personalize Your Vacation Through a global network of trusted travel partners, I can custom-tailor your vacation to perfectly match your individual needs and desires. To Be There When You Need Us Sometimes the perfectly planned dream vacation hits snags, like a missed plane connection, a front desk clerk who can't find your hotel reservation or a medical emergency. When you book with me, all you have to do is make one simple phone call and I will handle the rest.
I take the time to get to know you, understanding your approach to travel, what you like to see and do and in what style. Then I will match these factors with your budget, schedule and my insider connections with the best travel providers. I'm always here for you to talk to, answer your questions, and design a vacation perfect just for you. No web site or cell phone