The Siege ownership opened CrossFit Siege to share the passion and love for fitness with the general public. It has changed our lives as well as the lives of our loved ones and we wanted to affect others with a program we believe is truly effective.
CrossFit is a core strength and conditioning program based on the concept of constantly varied functional movements executed at high intensity. Examples of constantly varied functional movements found in CrossFit workouts include, pushing, pulling, squatting, lifting, and running. Our program is scalable regardless of your level of fitness. The needs of a 35 year-old mother and a fire-fighter differ by degree, not kind. The mother must be able to lift her child from a chair or play with that child in the park or in the backyard; the fire-fighter may be called upon to carry a child and run away from a burning house to safety. Both needs call for functional fitness and the ability to meet the challenges of daily life. When we cannot perform the inevitable physical challenges of life without assistance, we stop truly living. CrossFit SIEGE and their coaches will prepare you for whatever life throws your way, including looking and feeling better.