Collaborative Healing Partners is a therapy practice in West Palm Beach, Florida, specializing in cognitive behavioral therapy, counseling for anxiety, couples counseling, family counseling, LGBTQIA individual therapy, personal addiction counseling, and faith-based counseling. They believe that all behavior makes sense in context and work with their clients to understand their individual situations and create a roadmap together to achieve their goals and live a more purposeful life. With a focus on brief therapy, they aim to provide permanent and lasting changes in 10 sessions or less per presenting problem.
Collaborative Healing Partners is staffed by licensed marriage and family therapists, certified addiction counselors, mental health and substance abuse counselors, and certified relationship coaches. They are dedicated to helping clients make positive and lasting changes, providing an unbiased and nonjudgmental space for clients to explore, and assisting them in creating the life they desire. Their practice is committed to treating individuals, couples, and families, and they believe that no problem is too great to overcome.
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