Cigar City Barbershop is a homegrown, made from scratch traditional barbershop that was started out of an office then moved into the back room of a bar, has now grown into its own beautiful 1100 sqft storefront. The business plan was created for a mock exercise for barber school in 2013, While in between shops, I was cutting hair out of my house with the few clients that I had. I started in a upstairs corner office in a cigar factory in West Tampa and started my small business from scratch, using referrals and social media to spread the word. After my first year after some adversity, and with some major luck I landed a spot behind in bar in Ybor City, in a prime location, hard work and the help of amazing clients I was able to grow the business exponentially by word of mouth. After 3 years, in 150sqft, I secured a space to build my clients a barbershop that they deserve. Located at 1501 E 9th Ave, in a beautiful history building, Cigar City Barbershop continues to move forward.
Straight razor, hot towel shaves, classic hairstyles, traditional barbering, men's grooming