Celebrate Paradise formerly known as FtLaudi Gras was form in December of 2007 in Fort Lauderdale, Florida as a park based concert series catering to those who love Florida and tropical living. In 2013 our name, vision and focus grew include all of those who loved our way of life but did not have access to it year round. That year Celebrate Paradise cemented its purpose and goals of being the source for all things pertaining to tropical living.
Celebrate Paradise is a South Florida based social media advertising, event planning, lifestyle branding, marketing & promotions firm. Our signature event series is called 5:01 Fridays, the premise being you get off work at 5:00 and we want you there at 5:01. Don't be fooled by the name, 5:01 Fridays is not about a specific time or day, it's the mindset that comes from knowing you've worked hard all week to earn the lifestyle you're about to indulge in this weekend.