Buddha's Den Wellness Center: Acupuncture & Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic, was established in New York in 2003. We relocated to South Florida in 2008. We specialize in Pain & Stress Reduction, as well as Fertility for Women & Men.
Try The Acupuncture Specialists of South Florida. Reduce All types of Pain, Anxiety, Depression, Insomnia, Stress and Menopausal Symptoms.Improve Fertility and Digestion. Treat and Manage Migraine Headaches and chemical Imbalances in the Body.Balance and Improve Your Quality of Life, through a Safe and Natural Proven Medical System of Acupuncture,Chinese Medicine, Herbs and Medical Massage. With over 12 years of experience treating Patients in Florida and New York, we are happy to Report over 95% Success Rates for Most of our Patients. We accept most insurance and offer, Special Discount packages catered to each individual's financial needs. We believe Everyone should be able to afford advanced alternative Medicine and Health Care. We speak Fluent English and Spanish. We pride ourselves in excellent customer service, Our professional, experienced and friendly Doctors and Staff will make you feel like Family, not just another patient number. You have nothing to lose, free consultation