Bloomingdale Little League offers T-ball for children just learning the game to Minor B, Majors, Junior and Senior teams along with softball teams. The league offers winter and spring baseball, and is committed to creating a safe, enjoyable environment for children. The league recently completed its Spring 2010 season, during which it saw a 10- to 11-year-old national boys team and 9- to 10-year-old girls team win the sectionals and play in the state championship. The 10- to 11-year-old major and senior girls teams also advanced to the sectionals. The senior boys teams won the district and a spot in the sectionals as well. BLL started in March 1969 when there were only three fields. During fall, approximately 730 children play ball and during spring there are 890 children. In addition, about 50 children participate in the league's Challenger Program.