Logan Carter Grooming started January of 2017. Business is growing.
Logan Carter groomimg is about the diversity needed for modern day mens stylist to service all customers from all walks of life. From edgy, trendy, urban to proffesianal styles, Logan Carter does it all. Attention to detail, from the initial consultation to a refined finish is the absolute standard. All haircuts include a shampoo/ conditioning as well as a scented Hot Face towel application. A detailed yet fluent experience is the standard with Logan. All at an affordable rate. No more of the obnoxious pricing often associated with some grooming facilities in the Washington area, that continues to ascend towards the one hundred dollar mark. With over 30 yrs cutting mens hair Logan understands the value of the skill as well as the importance to stay affordable. Logan Carter grooming welcomes everyone and treats them all the same, which is solidified in his words at the close of every service.