Zion is one of the oldest Lutheran congregations in Connecticut having been organized in the 1870s by early Swedish immigrants who settled in Portland. Members of Zion continue to honor their Swedish heritage, but enthusiastically welcome members of all ethnicity and backgrounds. If you are interested in learning more about the mission of this Christian church and its programs, please call the church office weekdays at 860-342-2860 or check the website at www.zionlutheranportland.org.
Mission statement: "As members of Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church, we exist to honor and proclaim the life of Jesus Christ through our words, actions and deeds."
Reverend James Reemts is pastor of Zion. The church has a vibrant Sunday School program, members participate in serving at St. Vincent DePaul in Middletown, and the church is the home of Sunny Hill Preschool, a licensed daily program for 3- and 4-year olds.