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North End Action Team
NEAT is a nonprofit organization dedicated to grass roots leadership in Middletown's North End. Members are residents, business leaders, property owners and other stakeholder groups. Its mission is to provide neighborhood-based participation and leadership, to identify concerns, define strategies and develop resources to improve quality of life in the North End. NEAT has played a key role in school redistricting, increased community policing, and the redevelopment of sub-standard housing in the North End. Programs include a farmer's market; hiking club; community gardens; college-bound mentoring; and a community music initiative with workshops, jam sessions and performances. The daVinci Club is another NEAT initiative that gets North End boys and girls ages 9 to 16 to take part in projects that target ingenuity, individual and group leadership, and skill building. The club has built a house using commercial construction techniques; written, directed, produced and performed in two 30-minute video documentaries about the North End; and formed a good works club to increase civic engagement in the neighborhood. NEAT meets the second Wednesday of the month, 7pm, at the Green Street Arts Center, 51 Green St. All are welcome and childcare is provided.