Monroe residents share a transfer station with the town of Trumbull when disposing their trash.
One $6 ticket is needed for every 125 pounds of refuse, which includes residential and commercial garbage, mattresses and box springs, carpets, underlay-upholstered furniture, burnable wood - doors, windows, all decking, plywood, wood shingles; insulation and linoleum.
Tickets are on sale at Monroe Town Hall, 7 Fan Hill Rd, in Finance Room 215 Mon.-Fri. from 9am to 1pm; and in the police lobby on the lower level Saturdays from 9am to noon.
Recyclables (newspaper, mixed paper, bottles, cans, No. 1 and 2 plastics) and corrugated cardboard may be disposed of for free.
For demolition materials, one $12 ticket per every 125 pounds is required. This includes: sheetrock, concrete, ceramic tile, roof shingles, dishware, tar, toilets, sinks, cement, bricks, plasterboard and plaster.
The transfer station does not accept railroad ties.
For information, visit the Monroe town website or call the Monroe Public Works Department at (203) 452-2814.