Located in the former Central School, the more than 120-year-old building is the heart of Portland's government and its home since 2000. The various offices provide residents with accessibility to records and other information.
Portland's chief executive is the First Selectman, elected by the people every two years, along with the Board of Selectmen, which is responsible for fiscal management. Town meetings are held to decide special issues. A referendum is held to vote on the yearly budget.
The original Charter of the Town of Portland was approved in 1982 and implemented in 1983. It was amended in 1993, 1995 and 1997.
The offices at town hall include:
First Selectman, 860-342-6715; town clerk, 860-342-6743; assessor, 860-342-6744; building official, 860-342-6728; collector of revenue, 860-342-6737; planning, zoning and wetlands, 860-342-6720; finance department, 860-342-6726, board of education, 860-342-6790; environmental health, 860-342-6718; public works, 860-342-6733.
Parks and recreation, 860-262-7234, and youth services, 860-342-6758, are located in the Buck-Foreman Community Center.