Founded by two close friends with thirty years combined experience in traditional marketing, Talking Finger has grown from two guys in a pool cabana with Scooby-do scented markers, a white board and a unique idea, to a full service social media marketing agency. Since its inception in March 2010, Talking Finger was created with a single purpose: To focus on and become the authority on Social Media Marketing. We believe this is the only way an agency can keep up with the continual, almost daily changes that occur in this fluid, growing marketing sphere. New social platforms are created, others become less viable, and strategies that were successful today are soon antiquated.
Multi-Award winning Social Media Marketing Agency. Profile creation, strategy, implementation, content and marketing integration. Social media marketing is our focus and specialty. Everything you need to not only have a presence on social media networks, but to have it become a viable marketing drive for your business/organization.