The Town of Sherman, Connecticut, is a picturesque rural community located in the Housatonic Valley at the northern end of Candlewood Lake. With a population of approximately 3,581, Sherman offers a tranquil and scenic environment for residents and visitors alike. The town boasts a well-regarded K-8 school and provides high school students with a choice of four nearby schools. Governed by a Board of Selectmen and Town Meeting, Sherman is known for its natural beauty and charming small-town atmosphere.
Sherman, the northernmost town in Fairfield County, is easily accessible via state routes 39, 37, and 55. Incorporated in 1802, the town covers an area of 23.4 square miles and is home to a variety of departments and commissions, including Assessor, Fire Department, Planning and Zoning, and more. Whether you're looking to explore the great outdoors, immerse yourself in the local arts scene, or simply enjoy the tranquility of small-town living, Sherman offers a welcoming community and a range of amenities to suit diverse interests.
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