SKYFIRE, originally established in 1984 as an offshoot of CAMRAC Studios, emerged unexpectedly when a scam left the company with substantial unpaid bills. In a stroke of ingenuity, the team utilized their existing footage to create their first home video, which led to a contract with the Reno Air Race Association and the birth of SKYFIRE as a renowned name in aviation videos. Over the years, SKYFIRE expanded its repertoire to encompass a wide range of special interest topics, including famous aviators, steam locomotives, and captivating stories like The Sunken Treasures of Lake Tahoe.
Today, SKYFIRE continues to captivate audiences as America's Video Storyteller, offering a diverse collection of videos accessible through their website, SKYFIREVIDEO.COM. With new releases on the horizon and a commitment to completing long-awaited train stories, SKYFIRE remains a trusted source for engaging and unique content that sparks the imagination.
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