The Darien Senior Activities Center (DSAC) offers seniors from the Darien community the opportunity to come together and share their stories, creativity, knowledge and fellowship.
The Center is funded by the Town of Darien and is directed by Elizabeth Paris. Marcy Rand is the Program Specialist. It is open to Darien residents 60 years of age or older. During the first half of the week, seniors can enjoy a nutritious $3 lunch. Coffee, tea and donuts are available all day on Thursday and Friday.
There’s never a shortage of things to do at the Center, and a monthly activities calendar is available both at the Center and at the Town Hall.
Programs include: arts and crafts, art workshops, bridge and pinochle, computer classes, dance classes, discussion groups, exercise classes, knitting and needlepoint, Italian conversation, quilting class, wood-working, and writing workshops.
Gallivant Transportation Services, Friendly Visitors Services, a Coupon Exchange, and an Energry Assistance Program are also offered at the Center. Blood-pressure readings are also taken on the second Monday of each month (except June-September).