Cyril the Sorcerer - New Haven is a renowned environmental magic show based in New Haven, CT. Led by Cyril John CJ May, a sustainability professional and environmental presenter, the company aims to enchant, educate, and entertain audiences of all ages with positive messages about protecting the planet. With shows on recycling, water conservation, energy, and more, Cyril the Sorcerer uses the power of magic to inspire individuals to make a difference and create a greener world.
Through captivating performances that combine Vegas-level water magic, storytelling, and audience participation, Cyril the Sorcerer brings important environmental issues to life. With over 15 years of experience, their mainstay show, "Recycling is Magic," has been widely acclaimed for its ability to educate and entertain simultaneously. Cyril the Sorcerer's commitment to environmental education and their unique approach to spreading awareness make them a must-see for anyone looking to learn about sustainability in a fun and engaging way.
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