Wake Up Reiki was born out of the owner's (Angelique Fowler) need for massive life change & Spiritual Transformation. She founded Wake Up Reiki in Fort Collins around 5 years ago after a 3rd near miss with death by extreme imbalance. Wake Up Reiki's founder was moved by Spirit to move Wake Up Reiki to Glenwood Springs about 3 years ago. We have happily been serving the Roaring Fork Valley ever since. We have helped many people rediscover themselves and come back into balance. We specialize in serving those with severe disease processes in place. We also specialize in trauma & abuse resolution. We offer single treatments & comprehensive treatment options. We also educate with Reiki, essential oils, metaphysical/meditation training & classes.
We help you transform & integrate your Ego. We help you to remember that you are nothing but Spiritual Light & Love.. We use the vehicles of metphysical education, massage, reflexology, essential oils, reiki energy work, meditation and the power of your own mind. Become more relaxed, happy and harmonious on the inside by releasing what no longer serves you in a non-traumatic & supportive environment.