The concept for Better Breath came to our founder Joel Stone, a veterinarian in Denver, Colorado. Dr. Stone realized that less than 20% of pet owners were having routine dental prophylaxis procedures done when recommended and less than 5% of his clients brushed their cat or dog's teeth on a daily basis. Dr. Stone realized that for many owners, the technical difficulty, training and time required to adequately brush their pet's teeth precluded them from doing so. The importance of preventative dental care was obvious, but a method that was convenient for the client was critical for compliance. Therefore, a safe, effective and affordable water additive was created, and Better Breath was realized. Located in colorful Colorado, Better Breath, Inc. is a U.S. based company that proudly produces silver citrate, a water additive that is clinically proven to safely eliminate bacteria responsible for bad breath, tooth decay and tooth loss.
Dr. Stone's Scientific Solutions is a company, managed by a veterinarian, dedicated to improving the dental health of dogs and cats. For years, 8 out of 10 patients clinical veterinarians examine on a daily basis have periodontal disease. Our product, Better Breath, has been able to provide more customer satisfaction than any other preventative dental health product. This has saved owners more than $500 of anesthesia and ultrasonic dental scaling. Better Breath is a silver citrate water additive for the veterinary community. Silver citrate has been used in human dentistry, and for the past 2 years, in the veterinary clinical setting. Extensive research has proven the safety and efficacy of silver citrate. Finally, a safe, effective, affordable and convenient water additive is available for your pet's preventative dental needs.