Owner, Nicole Irlbeck, started dreaming of her business her junior year of high school. A lean mean cross country and track machine, she knew that if she could help women and girls get the confidence and support she had gained through her love of running, that her life would be awesome. After pursuing a masters degree in exercise science and athletic training from the University of Iowa, Nicole worked in big gyms and eventually went on to work at Rush Orthopedics for Dr. Kathleen Weber while still creating health programs for clinics such as Midwest Fertility Clinics. In 2005, Nicole transitioned to a surgical orthopedic practice where she additionally worked within a sports Performance arena with young adults. She started Restoration Fitness to bring together her passion for helping women and girls love themselves with confidence and to pursue life with high expectations. Call her anytime to talk body image- it is her favorite topic!
We champion women and girls to embrace their body confidence by building their strengths. You'll gain a self-affirming mindset, learn effective exercise programs, appreciate appetite awareness, and integrate it all to change your life. Clients see results through affordable programs that support, educate, and empower their inner own inner champion. We start every client out with a 1-1 consult that includes a full orthopedic assessment and functional movement screen. In this way you can be assured that you will move beyond nagging injuries and avoid any potential hiccups in your path to optimal fitness. We consistently help you track your nutrition and arm with you with tips, recipes, and feedback to help you partner with food as fuel, rather than comfort. Our background in athletic training, rehab, sports performance, and nutrition brings years of talent to the table in each and every session. Your first session is always free! Call us to schedule at 303-482-6290