The Orton Family Foundation, based in Arvada, CO, is dedicated to empowering communities across America through their innovative program called Community Heart Soul. This resident-driven process engages the entire population of a town in identifying what they love most about their community, envisioning its future, and taking action to achieve it. Developed and tested over a decade in partnership with over 100 small cities and towns, Community Heart Soul is a proven approach that fosters community engagement and collaboration to create a better place to live and visit.
Through a four-phase process, Community Heart Soul helps municipal officials gain a deep understanding of their constituents' priorities and builds partnerships that unite residents around a shared vision. This ongoing practice goes beyond a mere report, encouraging residents to come together and actively contribute to the improvement of their town. By adopting Heart Soul Statements, communities can guide their future planning, policies, and decisions, ensuring that the unique character and emotional connection of their town are honored and preserved.
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