One Way Street, formerly known as Creative Ministry Solutions, is a renowned company based in Centennial, CO, specializing in puppetry, black light puppetry, creative ministry, ventriloquism, music scripts, and more. With a rich history dating back to 1974, the company has been a pioneer in the industry, offering a wide range of training resources, performance needs, and puppet building materials. Under the new ownership of Kristofer Sommerfeld Productions, One Way Street continues to provide exceptional products and services, leaving a lasting impact on its customers and the creative ministries world.
Driven by a passion for storytelling and innovation, One Way Street has been a source of inspiration for individuals of all ages. Through their engaging products and conferences, they have touched the lives of many, fostering creativity and spiritual growth. With a dedicated team and a commitment to excellence, One Way Street remains a trusted name in the industry, constantly evolving to meet the needs of its customers and embracing new opportunities for growth and impact.
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