Kira Murphy is a full spectrum acupuncturist practicing Chinese Medicine, Herbal Medicine, Acupuncture, Injection Therapy, Pediatric Care, Cosmetic Acupuncture/Acupuncture Facelifts, B12 injections, physical, emotional, chronic & acute conditions. Ki Healing Center (formerly - True Health Acupuncture) is located in Denver, CO. Kira sees patients from Denver, Lakewood, Cherry Creek, The Highlands, Northwest Denver, Boulder and many other surrounding areas. Acupuncture is a safe and effective healing art and medicine that is supported by over two thousand years of research and practice. It is used all over the world as both a primary and complimentary treatment for a wide range of conditions and ailments. Generally, people find an acupuncture treatment to be a relaxing experience. At True Health Acupuncture our goal is to improve the health on both a physical and emotional level by treating the root of the problem to make powerful positive shift in the persons well being.
Pain relief, sciatica, fertility, cosmetic acupuncture, emotional balancing, b12 shots, and more!