We first began our acupuncture clinic in 1999 in Colorado Springs by the name of Lee's Acupuncture. In 2008, we moved to a different location and also changed our business name to J-Dream Acupuncture. We are one of Colorado Springs longest operating acupuncture clinic and is well respected by the Springs community.
At J-Dream Acupuncture we are committed to providing the best health care possible. We offer a variety of services to meet ones individual needs. We guarantee our services based on our strong profile. We have over 15 years in experience in Colorado Springs alone. J-Dream acupuncture is one of the first acupuncture clinics in the city of Colorado Springs and is still going strong. Our long term experience in the field gives us new ideas as well as service that help provide for our patients. At J-Dream Acupuncture our goal is to find the underlying causes of your pain and not only relieve the pain, but remove it.