Heaven & Earth Acupuncture is an acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine practice serving the people of Parker, Colorado, and surrounding areas.Acupuncturist and Chinese medicinal herbalist April Suh, LAC, Dip OM, FABORM, uses traditional Chinese medicine, the oldest continuously practiced form of medicine in the world, to treat an array of ailments and health concerns.The team at Heaven & Earth Acupuncture shares a passion for finding effective and personalized treatments. They specialize in acupuncture for pain, digestive disorders, fertility, anxiety, and many other health and wellness concerns.Heaven & Earth Acupuncture offers several other wellness therapies that rely on similar principles to acupuncture, including cupping, Tui-Na therapeutic massage, and electrostimulation. These treatments restore balance and harmony in patients bodies to alleviate aches and pains.The team at Heaven & Earth Acupuncture also specializes in womens health. They combine Western practices with Eastern treatments for fertility, such as vaginal steam with or without herbal infusions.For any care plan at Heaven & Earth Acupuncture, the team is happy to make nutritional recommendations and suggestions. They also provide herbal supplements for various therapeutic purposes.Heaven & Earth Acupuncture currently accepts new and returning patients. For all of your wellness needs, call the office or schedule an appointment online today.
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