Hands & Needles Acupuncture in Broomfield, CO offers natural and effective treatments for pain, stress, sports injuries, and fertility using acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine. They also provide skin rejuvenation services using micro-needling, light therapy, vegan stem cell, and herbal serums, combining traditional medicine with evidence-informed care for lasting results.
Specializing in fertility, sports medicine, and stress anxiety management, Anne Devereux, L.Ac., the acupuncturist and certified Chinese herbalist at Hands & Needles Acupuncture, aims to provide patient-centered holistic health care that incorporates the strengths of ancient medical tradition as well as the latest scientific research. With a focus on compassionate and effective care, Anne empowers and supports her patients on their individual health journeys, making her an invaluable member of the community.
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