I've been taking pics for well over 20 years! But, only after 2 recent job layoffs did I realize that this is what I should have been focusing on all along. So, I decided to start increasing my skills, my knowledge and my equipment and gear. I've now interned, apprenticed and assisted with countless reputable and established photographers in the Denver-Metro area and have honed my skills, thus striking out on my own so that I can bring you and your loved ones my unique, customized and fun photography options!
Documenting life, as it happens, because the best moments in life are fortuitous! I specialize in capturing what makes you...YOU! Maybe you all have a family game or movie night together...why not hire me to spend time photographing your family playing games together or preparing dinner or making up a batch of popcorn and then everyone sitting down to watch the movie together? Posed in front of the fireplace is fine too...but, is that REALLY your family? Are they really always sitting up straight, with perfect hair and matching outfits? I love taking those pics too...and there is definitely a place for those pics. But, I think, when you go to look at pics of your loved ones, you're going to sit with the imperfect photos the most. The pics where their hair is tussled or their clothes stained from hard work or hard play. Those are the pics that usually wind up on the fridge, or crumpled up in a purse or wallet...or our scrapbooks.