Since 2001 CCE has been building quality network infrastructures for a wide range of clients. CCE is dedicated to provide quality service at a cost effective price.
CCE Provides the following services: Horizontal Directional Drilling (Trenchless) Trenching Duct Bank Construction Conduit Plowing Building Entrance Potholing Hydro Excavation Excavation Spoils Removal Concrete Vault Placement Polymer Concrete Handhole Placement Utility Survey Utility Route Feasibility/Design PE Stamped Utility Drawings Municipality Approval Utility Permitting Underground Utility Mapping UNCC/811/One Call Coordination Receive 811 Tickets Underground Utility Paint Marking Locator Dispatch WEBTMS Emergency Dispatch Troubleshooting 710 copper splicing Core alignment Fiber Optic Fusion Splicing Conduit Proofing Mule Tape Placement Cable Placing