A membership-based primary care and functional medicine practice. We believe that great health is paramount if we want to achieve our goals and dreams. Using a functional medicine approach we help our clients obtain and maintain a state of optimal health so they can both look and feel their best and have energy, vitality, and focus. Functional medicine is a personalized, scientific approach to medicine where the body and mind are viewed and treated as a complex integrated system. Everything from the microscopic level of our cells to the macroscopic level of our social interactions and life view play important roles in our health. By exploring our personal history, lifestyle, exposure history, perceptions, advanced laboratory testing, and genetics we find and address root causes of dysfunction within the body. Some areas in which we specialize include Pre-Diabetes and Diabetes, Obesity, Preventing and Reversing Cognitive Decline/Dementia (Trained in the Bredesen Protocol), Cardiovascular/Heart disease, and Auto-Immune disease. When addressing acute concerns we do our best to seek treatments that correct the issue while minimizing negative effects on other bodily systems.