My Denver Practice started in 2013, since then, I have successfully treated patients with neurological, muscular, and skeletal dysfunction. This has included TMJ, Severe Head Aches, Clonus, Traumatic Brain Injury, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and Parkinson's Disease symptoms. Athletes have also benefited by the removal of muscular scar tissue, and corrected skeletal posture.
Claus Chiropractic is a drug-free, subluxation based, Total Family practice. The practice consists of NUCCA ( National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association ) technique. If needed, soft tissue, muscle and neural sheath release, plus nutritional resources are provided to support the patient's healing process. Emphasis is placed upon patient education and active patient involvement during the treatment/healing process. Dr. Martin is a Denver chiropractor, serving the Denver Metro Area, who focuses on Neuromusculoskeletal care and injuries that are related to recent or historic injuries; provides service for Workman's Comp, Personal Injury Cases (PI); also, treatment for the professional or amateur athlete (all ages) who wants to perform at their highest capacity. If you have questions, please contact us.