The Blasting Room is a renowned recording studio located in Fort Collins, Colorado. With over 20 years of experience, their skilled and experienced staff have produced acclaimed records for bands from around the world, including a GRAMMY nomination and Latin GRAMMY. Co-owned by punk rock duo Bill Stevenson and Jason Livermore, the studio features four discreet facilities, state-of-the-art equipment, and a dedicated editing suite, providing a professional and comfortable environment for musicians to bring their music to life.
Founded in 1994 by members of Descendents, ALL, and Black Flag, The Blasting Room was initially built as a space for ALL to record and practice. However, its reputation quickly grew, attracting bands from far and wide. Situated just two miles from Historic Old Town Fort Collins, the studio offers a unique combination of small-town charm and a thriving music community. With a commitment to shaping music into its most profound version, The Blasting Room is more than just a recording studio - it is a team of passionate individuals who understand the importance of capturing the essence of each artist's work.
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