In the icy beginning of 2013, two young lads from New York City moved to the City of Denver in a hope of finding their dream. Their dream was not vague or unachievable, it was simple, all they dreamt of was to serve New York Style Pizza in Denver. With limited resources & unlimited desire to serve Pizza, they started with a Pizza Trailer with a real oven inside. Just like their love to Pizza, they named it.... guess what?...yes, you guessed it right, they named it AMORE PIZZA. Since the day of opening people instantly fell in love with it. The demand of NYC style slices made by AMORE PIZZA rose, so to fulfill the demand of hunger for NYC slices, in 2014 they opened a pizza truck with huge oven inside. And, Guess what? now, chef Shiv could really fly a pizza-pie inside the truck. As people wait outside the truck for their pizza to be ready, they applause the way he spins the whole pie up in the sky. I always wonder, how high the pie would fly if there were no ceiling
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