Acupuncture Energy Works and MaryAnne Bachia began her acupuncture and herbal career in New York CIty in 2003, where she attended Mercy College and received her Masters Degree. Since then, MaryAnne has had practices in La Quinta, Ca, Santa Barbara Ca, and Boulder, Co which is where she currently resides. Before become an acupuncturist, MaryAnne was a massage therapist in Aspen, Co for 7 years and in New York City. Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine are a natural progression for developing and deepening MaryAnne's healing skills. It has been a fruitful and wonderful journey!
We specialize in helping people achieve their highest and greatest strength and health with the use of Acupuncture, Chinese Herbal medicine, cranial sacral work and other modalities. Some of the discomforts I treat are:Pain issues of all types, Women's health issues, menstrual irregularities, fertility, pregnancy, menopause, digestive discomforts, migraine headaches, hormone irregularities, cholesterol, blood sugar imbalances, low back pain, depression, anxiety, bipolar, chronic degenerative diseases, chemo support and cancer support, fibro myalgia, chronic fatigue, mono,epstein barr