We specialize in making sure local businesses reach their maximum online local coverage and turn searches into sales each and every day! Yourlocalmerchant.com team has years of experience in marketing, advertising, media, web design and internet search. Our knowledge of today's leading Major Search Engines places Yourlocalmerchant.com in a top position to help local businesses navigate the fast paced world of internet search by driving local customers to your business through internet searches. Yourlocalmerchant.com has a unique SEO solution to make sure your business gets maximum exposure in all areas of Internet advertising. We also provide many other Internet marketing options to help drive business through your doors day after day and in any economy. These options include: Customized Videos, Pay per Click campaigns, Customized Websites, Analytic reports, Call Tracking, Dedicated Support, as well as keeping up with the ever-changing world of Internet Marketing and Local search.