Completed 5 year programmed course of TCM and received BA in Medecine in 1982 from China's Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. In 30 years of professional experience, tens of thousands of patients have been treated with a vast amount of success towards all kinds of chronic pains, conditions and promoting health. The clinic's in-house pharmacy consists of over 300 different raw herbs and a large variety of other herbal supplements. Other techniques may be included with acupuncture treatments: in-direct moxibustion, cupping, auricular therapy, infrared therapy, tui-na and acupressure.
Allergies Arthritis Asthma Auto/Work/Sports Injuries Back and Disc Problems Blood Pressure Cancer/Oncology Cholesterol Chronic Fatigue Colds, Cough and Flu Cosmetic Acupuncture Depression/Anxiety Diabetes Diet and Nutrition Digestion or Intestine Eating Disorders Emotional Wellbeing Feet Headache/Migraine Heart Immune Diseases/Disorders Infertility Muscle Aches, Sprains and Strains Neck and Shoulder Pain Orthopedics Pain Management Pregnancy Skin Problems/Dermatology Sleep/Insomnia Smoking Spinal Problems Stress Weight Management Women's Health/ObGyn