1. We work with you to determine your needs. 2. We make a plan to achieve your goals in the areas of sales and marketing support. 3. Then we execute it for you. Worker Bee provides sales and marketing expertise to execute tasks the marketing and sales gurus tell you about but don't do for you. Why waste hundreds of dollars per hour trying to do it yourself when Worker Bee can do it for you for a fraction of that? Get your marketing and sales funnel flowing and followed-up on using Worker Bee. Working with programs such as Constant Contact, MailChimp and Wordpress (blogging) and with our knowledge of social media (Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest, among others) best practices, we make them work for you. We can work on site or remotely depending on your needs and technology. Recapture your valuable time and let Worker Bee make the difference in your sales and marketing for the year.