Woodbridge Community Church was established in 1971 alongside the establishment of the planned city of Irvine. Founded by Pastor Richard Samuelson under the Baptist General Conference, now known as Converge Worldwide. Woodbridge, (aka WCC) reached into the community offering a vision for the church centered on Christ and His Word, teaching and equipping people to go into the world and share the Gospel on the mission field, in their homes and places of business. WCC has continued to hold to this vision and today is comprised of a congregation from 21 different nations around the world, with one purpose and one vision, to know Christ and make Him known. Residents from many nations live in Irvine and surrounding cities, and WCC reflects the community which is multicultural and mulitgenerational. Our purpose is still to Know Christ and make Him known through worship, fellowship, discipleship, ministry and mission.
Woodbridge Community Church exists to connect people with God and equip them for life through worship, discipleship, evangelism, friendships, ministry within and to the community, and mission to the world.