Since 2015 I have been doing civil wedding ceremonies, I'm a Minister of Universal Life Church
We offer a good service to our clients and they feel that they are not alone in the great moment that is a Wedding. The space we have to hold the ceremony small, it is only for 12 guests but we have a big heart to make the couple,family and friends feel comfortable. The ceremonies in our office with decoration and guests are only on weekends, ceremonies without decoration , only with two witnesses and two family member can be performed any day or time during the week . The same service of attention we offer to the ceremonies performed at home,parks or gardens, these can be done at any day or time during all week. Nosotras ofrecemos un buen servicio a nuestros clientes , en especial el gran momento que es una boda, nuestro espacio es solo para 12 invitados pero tenemos un corazon grande para que todos se sientan confortable. Ceremonias con decoracion se realizan solo los fines de semana y sin decoracion y solo con dos testigos y dos invitados se pueden realizar a cualquier dia o hora durante toda la semana. El mismo servicio de atencion lo hacemos con las ceremonias realizadas en domicilio, parques o jardines y pueden ser cualquier dia o hora durante toda la semana