Breathtaking views of San Francisco, the Golden Gate and San Francisco Bay bridges, Alcatraz and Angel Island can all be seen from a shoreline that has changed little since its days as a landfill site for construction debris. Beloved by dog walkers and urban art aficionados alike, there's no place quite like the park, which has a meandering trail as well as a lovely, unspoiled beach.
The southern portion of the park includes the Golden Gate Fields race track and its vast parking area. The land to the north is called the Plateau, a recently-created habitat for burrowing owls. To the west is land, known as the Bulb, which belongs to the city of Albany. The Bulb is planned to be incorporated into Eastshore State Park, a park that includes and protects most of the undeveloped land on the Bay shoreline, between the foot of the San Francisco Bay Bridge in Oakland and Richmond's Marina Bay neighborhood. On the Bulb, foot paths wind their way between large slabs of broken concrete. Volunteer plants are mixed in with fanciful anonymous art and homemade structures created by a small, dedicated community that loves this wild little peninsula.