Walker's Sierra Plumbing Inc. has been family owned and operated since 2008.
24/7 Emergency Service Senior / Veteran Discounts We specialize in all types of plumbing and repairs, especially diagnostics of existing plumbing and fixture issues and can create a professional solution. We take care of all of your water and waste line breaks, stoppages, full replacements, pumps, and general upkeep. At Walker's Sierra Plumbing Inc. we have many years of knowledge and many specialty plumbing tools to do the job efficiently including sewer cameras, locators, and broken drain detectors. On top of our plumbing knowledge we also specialize in water filtration systems. We can take your water from unacceptable to exceptional with high quality filtration. With a water test we can design a system that is specific to you and your water conditions, and will help your faucets, fixtures, and piping last longer. We also install and repair all types of tankless water heaters, which will become the standard and most efficient way of heating water for residential and commercial purposes.