Twin Bridges Antique Productions, a long-standing promoter of quality antique shows in California, has recently undergone changes with the retirement of Carole Berry, the dedicated promoter of Twin Bridges Antiques Productions and California Sports Card Shows for over three decades. While the status of some antique shows remains uncertain, upcoming events in Medford, Oregon, and Truckee, California are being organized by new promoters Liz Darby and Errol Adnan, and Dan Clements respectively.
On the other hand, the sports shows previously scheduled for 2023 have been canceled due to a decision made by Serramonte Center Mall Management. Twin Bridges Antique Shows, established in 1982, and their sister company, California Sports Card Shows, which began in 1992, have been known for their commitment to providing high-quality antique and sports card collectibles shows. For further inquiries, they can be contacted via email or phone.
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