Established in 2003 Hypnotherapy, Alternative Medicine, Health Education, Psychotherapy, EMDR, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Auricular Medicine, Transcendental Medicine, Transcendental Acupuncture. Dr. TruthSayer has moved her physical office to Portland OR. She is still available for phone consultations for Psychotherapy and for Traditional Chinese Medicine Health Consultations. Phone consultations are $175 per session.
Acupuncture.Herbs.Psychotherapy Traditional Chinese Acupuncture with a Daoist Classical Component that addresses Emotion- Spirit in addition to the Physical Body for Transformation and Healing, combines with Psychotherapy for Transformation and Healing on the Deepest Levels. Mind.Body.Spirit Transformation Become the change you want to see happen! Heal yourself, physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. A general practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine: sports injuries, back, neck pain, internal medicine, women's issues, chronic illness, chronic pain. A general Psychotherapy practice, anxiety, depression, trauma, relationship issues, lack of self-esteem, self-confidence, career issues, and ESPECIALLY : Mind-Body Combined; Wholistic Healing; like depression-menopause, anxiety-indigestion, back pain-fear of success, recurring colds- loss and grief. Where there is great love, there are great miracles.