You can expect professional service and expert loan advice before, during, and after loan closing. Work with seasoned professionals and avoid making mistakes that could cost you time and money. Despite continued credit restrictions, we're still able to access our vast network of lenders and consistently deliver the most favorable loan terms in the industry and leverage our full resources to meet our clients' needs. -Professional Service & Expert Advice -Lowest Rate & Fees -No Closing Cost Options (No Points/No Fees) -Quick Loan Decisions & Fast Funding -Friendly & Knowledgeable Staff -24/7 Access Our loan process offers you complete transparency and 100% piece of mind. We utilize state of the art technology, that makes our loan process go as smooth as possible.
Trident Mortgage Group Inc. is a wholesale mortgage brokerage specializing in residential mortgage financing throughout California. We are truly passionate about our ability to obtain the best loan terms for our clients. Our 'start to finish' approach tirelessly focuses on each client's unique needs. We keep you informed through the entire loan process and will instill 100% confidence in you that you picked the right lender. We stand behind every written offer we make you. With over 17-years+ of proven industry experience, Trident Mortgage Group Inc. has the expertise and product placement knowledge to complete your home financing needs at the best loan terms available period. As mortgage experts, we're skilled in all lending programs and borrower scenarios and will offer you a unique customized lending experience. When we evaluate loan options with you we carefully consider your needs and desires and match the appropriate loan to you.